"Students need to be educated on how to be good citizens of their country and what their rights and responsibilities are as members of society. The same issues need to be addressed with regard to the emerging digital society, so that students can learn how to be responsible and productive members of that society."

-Mike Ribble, Digital Citizenship in Schools

The RCPS Digital Citizenship curriculum is provided though Common Sense Media which supports an integrated, ongoing approach to educating good digital citizens. We understand that lessons having a direct link to content or skills are more effective than stand alone lessons.


  • Implement an integrated, ongoing approach to digital citizenship.

  • Raise awareness of the legal ramifications and proper procedures for claiming fair use, following copyright, and avoiding plagiarism.

  • Provide information about privacy issues and the use of social media.

  • Provide information about the impact of one’s digital footprint.

  • Provide strategies/instruction to foster safe and ethical use of information.

  • Promote healthy and safe online behavior.

  • Promote appropriate digital etiquette.

Features of our Digital Citizenship Curriculum:

  • Easily Accessible Lessons at Common Sense Media and through the District’s Paid Subscription to the Nearpod Learning Platform.

  • Central Location of Lessons through the RCPS Website.

  • Digital Handouts for Individual Customization.

  • Modifiable Lessons to Meet Specific Needs or Time Constraints.

  • Additional Resources Page.

Images adapted from those found at freepik.com